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Civil & Environmental Engineering

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CvEEN) houses degrees in Civil, Nuclear, and Construction Engineering, with over eight distinctive research areas.

Our graduates go on to create all aspects of smart cities and communities, from daily water needs, transportation, protecting our future environmentally, creating sustainable infrastructures, building resilient structures, and improving life as we know it.

Our Graduates Make a Difference

CvEEN graduate Dani Zebelean now protects Utah's drinking water.

An Environmental Engineer for the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, recent CvEEN graduate Zebelean works in the Division of Drinking Water issuing construction and operating permits for drinking water facilities throughout the state.

93% of our Graduates Have Job Offers Upon Graduation

We produce successful engineers.

With unique opportunities for hands-on research and mentorship in a variety of majors, our students have the ability to personalize their engineering education. We offer several degree programs as well as research opportunities with faculty in state-of-the-art labs and experiences in the field.

Recent News from our Department

Fighting Forever Chemicals: Dr. Ramesh Goel Leads $1.6M EPA Research on PFAS

As PFAS contamination through land applied biosolids and their plant uptake continues to escalate risks to both environmental and public health, Dr. Ramesh Goel‘s groundbreaking research will be tackling this critical issue head-on, supported by a nearly $1.6 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This project — one of ten grants awarded nationwide to address the PFAS crisis in agricultural, rural, and tribal communities — underscores the University of Utah’s dedication to tackling critical challenges that affect the region.

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Dr. Hong's Research, Recently Featured in @theU, is at the Forefront of New Nanobubble Technology

Dr. Hong and his team at the University of Utah are pioneering a novel, energy-efficient process for creating nanobubbles. This process, developed in the Meldrum Civil Engineering building, has numerous promising applications.

In collaboration with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Fleming of the University of Utah Health Sciences and fellow Environmental Engineering professor Dr. Jennifer Weidhaas, Dr. Hong has a patent pending for this new and innovative energy-efficient process.

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NSF Awards $500,000 Collaborative Grant for Innovative Research Led by Dr. Weidhaas

Chronic diseases, a major cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., are often linked to air pollution, which is known to exacerbate asthma, respiratory diseases, and other health issues. Dr. Weidhaas’s research is pioneering preventative solutions to mitigate these preventable deaths.

By analyzing air pollution metabolites found in urine, researchers can directly confirm human exposure to pollutants and the magnitude of health effects.

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Innovative Alzheimer’s Treatment Developed at the U Featured in Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Dr. Aidan Bender, a UNEP PhD graduate, spearheaded pioneering research on Alzheimer’s disease. His remarkable work is being published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, the premier journal in the field.

The research received funding from the University of Utah’s 1U4U initiative, which aims to bring together research and projects from health sciences and the U’s main campus to increase their societal impact. 1U4U’s support of this project underscores the value of Dr. Bender’s contributions.

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