Fastrax Application -Undergrad: FASTRAX Application Students must complete this application prior to the conclusion of the second semester, in the junior year. Please meet with an undergraduate advisor and graduate advisor prior to completing this application. They will help you identify the best course to apply towards the MS program. Student Information Name * University ID * University Email Address * GPA Information Current cumulative GPA * Minimum of 3.00 Current engineering GPA * Minimum of 3.20 Program Information Planned BS graduation term: * Fall Spring Year * Intended MS start term: * Fall Spring Year * Course moving to MS program: Tentative academic emphasis: ConstructionEnvironmentalGeotechMaterialsStructuresTransportationWaterUndecided Degree Audit Upload For help with running a Degree Audit Report, please view this tutorial: File Upload * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 25MB I verify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature * Date * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ