Proposal for Independent Study Graduate: Proposal for Independent Study Student Information The advisor will correspond with you at your University of Utah email address. Last Name * First Name * uNID * u1234567 University email * ie. xxxxxxx Degree program * BSMSPhD Academic Emphasis * Undergraduate- Not specifiedGeotechnicalEnvironmentalMaterialsNuclearStructuresTransportationWater ResourcesOther Academic Emphasis + Independent Study Proposal arrowup6 I would like to enroll in: * CVEEN 5930CVEEN 6930CVEEN 7930Other I would like to enroll in: During * Summer 2023Fall 2023Spring 2024Other During I would like to enroll in ____ credits. * 123Other I would like to enroll in ____ credits. Have you approached a faculty member about overseeing this independent study? * Yes. No. If yes, please enter the email address the faculty who has agreed to oversee the independent study. Please enter the address for Utah faculty. Graduate students, this may not be your supervisory committee chair. 1. Please list the independent study objectives. * 2. List the intended outcomes. * 3. What is the meeting schedule for this independent study? * 4. Is there someone other than the U of U faculty member facilitating this opportunity? * Yes. No. If yes, who? 5. How will student performance be evaluated? * 6. Is there a course within the department or College of Engineering where you would gain related knowledge? * Yes. No. If yes, please provide a thorough explanation of why this independent study should be considered. Δ