MS Final Curricular Review x_Graduate: MS Final Curricular Review Student Information The Graduate Advisor will correspond with you at your University email address. First Name * Last Name * uNID * U1234567 University email * Degree Program * MS Non-ThesisMS Thesis Area of Emphasis: * EnvironmentalGeotechnicalMaterialsStructuresTransportationWater Program Start Term: * SpringSummerFall Program Start Year * 20142015201620172018201920202021202220232024 Degree requirement * Non-Thesis: 30+ credit hours of graduate-level coursework (5000+) Thesis: 6+ credit hours of graduate-level research (CVEEN 6970) Department requirements * 15+ credits of CORE coursework Final program of study includes no more than one C or C+ No more than 9 credits from outside the department Graduate School requirements * Degree completed within four years of program start 3.0+ GPA Did you make changes to your original Curriculum Development Plan (CDP)? * No changes.Yes, one course change.Yes, two course changes. Yes, three course changes. Yes, four or more course changes. Change #1 to CDP arrowup6 Original (Intended) course: * ie. CVEEN 6250 Completed course: * ie. CVEEN 6250 Reason for course change: * Change #2 to CDP arrowup6 Original (Intended) course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Completed course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Reason for course change: Change #3 to CDP arrowup6 Original (Intended) course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Completed course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Reason for course change: Change #4 to CDP arrowup6 Original (Intended) course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Completed course: ie. CVEEN 6250 Reason for course change: If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ