Graduate Outside Member Graduate: Outside Members Revised: March 2024 Student Information Due to Federal law concerning the privacy of educational records, the Graduate Advisor will correspond with you at your University email address. First Name * Last Name * uNID * University email * Do you have co-committee chairs? If yes, click here. This form is used to document any committee members outside of the Price College of Engineering (PCE) . Enter the name for each relevant committee member in seperate fields below. Outside Member 1 Committee Member Name * This person is: * University of Utah Faculty (Outside Price College of Engineering)Faculty Member at Another InstitutionIndustry/ Other List Department and/ or Home Institution Determine the U of U faculty member’s “home” academic department. Individual Faculty Information. Outside Member 1 Justification Committee Member’s Email (Only if outside U of U). URL for CV. Please provide the URL of this person’s CV or if not publicly posted, upload a CV that you recieved directly from this individual. CVs need to be updated within the last two years. Please provide strong justification for why this person should serve on your supervisory committee. (Max 200 words.) Present to the Graduate School why this person is a better fit for your supervisory committee than other U of U tenure-line faculty. File Upload Upload CV here. Upload CV here. Maximum file size: 2MB Outside Member 2 arrowup6 Committee Member Name This person is: University of Utah Faculty (Outside Price College of Engineering)Faculty Member at Another InstitutionIndustry/ Other List Department and/ or Home Institution Determine the U of U faculty member’s “home” academic department. Individual Faculty Information. Outside Member 2 Justification Committee Member’s Email (Only if outside U of U). URL for CV. Please provide the URL of this person’s CV or if not publicly posted, upload a CV that you recieved directly from this individual. CVs need to be updated within the last two years. Please provide strong justification for why this person should serve on your supervisory committee. (Max 200 words.) Present to the Graduate School why this person is a better fit for your supervisory committee than other U of U tenure-line faculty. File Upload Upload CV here. Upload CV here. Maximum file size: 2MB Outside Member 3 arrowup6 Committee Member Name This person is: University of Utah Faculty (Outside Price College of Engineering)Faculty Member at Another InstitutionIndustry/ Other List Department and/ or Home Institution Determine the U of U faculty member’s “home” academic department. Individual Faculty Information. Outside Member 3 Justification Committee Member’s Email (Only if outside U of U). URL for CV. Please provide the URL of this person’s CV or if not publicly posted, upload a CV that you recieved directly from this individual. CVs need to be updated within the last two years. Please provide strong justification for why this person should serve on your supervisory committee. (Max 200 words.) Present to the Graduate School why this person is a better fit for your supervisory committee than other U of U tenure-line faculty. File Upload Upload CV here. Upload CV here. Maximum file size: 2MB Committee Co-Chairs The indicated chair will be listed first in the University’s Graduate Tracking System and on the documents with the Thesis Office. Chair Must be faculty in home department. Co-chair Can be faculty in any department. Why do you have co-chairs? If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ